Debian – How to change language

Today, I worked on a new Debian 10 (Buster) installation. While I configured the system I saw that the system was initially installed with the German language pack.

To change the locale is pretty easy. You need to run the following command:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

A window opens and asks you, which locale files you want to create. You should mark all files you want to create in UTF-8. Use the up and down keys to find the locale files in the list and hit the space key to mark your selection. Use the tab key to switch to the OK or Cancel button in the bottom bar.

The next page asks you, which language should be the default language. Select the language of your choice and hit the OK button. Now the system is generating the locale files. After it’s done restart your machine with the following command:

sudo reboot

Now your system is configured in the language of your choice. Let a comment if this post was helpful for you.


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