How to Upgrade Debian Bullseye to Bookworm

Debian released the new stable version 12 in June 2023. The codename this time is Bookworm, and this is the little green worm from Toy Story. If you run version 11 of Debian, you will have support roughly until June 2026. Those who don’t want to wait can follow this tutorial for the upgrade. Prerequisites […]

Raspian | Upgrade from Stretch to Buster

I use my Raspberry PI 4 Model B for different kind of private projects. Today I want to upgrade it to the new Buster version. This is the first time I do it for the Raspberry, but not for a Debian distribution at all. See my article Upgrade Debian from Jessie to Stretch. Why should […]

Debian – How to change language

Today, I worked on a new Debian 10 (Buster) installation. While I configured the system I saw that the system was initially installed with the German language pack. To change the locale is pretty easy. You need to run the following command: A window opens and asks you, which locale files you want to create. […]

How to disable password based login in Linux

It’s quite easy to disable the password based login in the SSH. Before you proceed check if you have prepared the system to logon without password. You have a user other than root, who can enter the remote server. If not, take a look into my article How to disable root login Please check if […]

Upgrade Debian 8 (Jessie) to 9 (Stretch)

Debian 8 LTS ends in mid 2020 and Debian 9 is the latetest production release and Debian 10 is knocking on the door. This is a good time to upgrade the Debian 8 to 9. Important: Do an upgrade locally or via SSH, only. Other services like telnet can be terminated during the upgrade process […]

Automated upgrades with Unattend Upgrades

The Unattended Upgrade package is helpful for upgrading your server automatically and keeping your computer secure. In this tutorial, I show you the necessary setup to do it. To check if the package is already installed you can run the following command: Either it is already installed or it will be installed. After this step, […]