Git Secret Tutorial

git-secret is a tool to encrypt files. It helps you to give another person access to this file and to remove the access again. So it helps to keep secrets confidential and share the secrets between authorized people. Without such a tool you would need to keep the secrets out of your version control system […]

Git | How to use the revert command

Today, I want to describe how to revert a commit in Git. The revert command is usually used to “take back” a commit. For example, if a commit does not fix a bug, you can revert the commit and create a new commit that fixes the issue properly. Let’s create a small example. I create […]

Git | Moving Repository from BitBucket to GitHub

Moving a repository from BitBucket to GitHub is usually not a hard challenge. I will give you a step by step instruction to achieve your goal. With this instruction, you can also move in vice versa or to the repository of your choice. But you have to change the repository host and your user to […]

Git | How to squash commits into one

In Git you have the possibility to squash commits. This is really useful to have a clean log-tree. If your process involves a code reviewer your commit isn’t split into several pieces of code snippets, because you need to do changes during the testing. To achieve the squash we will use the interactive rebase. The […]

Configure username and email for Git commits

If you want to change your username or email address in Git you can do it for an individual repository or as default property. One time I had to do as I changed my mail address. Another time I had to do it for a project where I got a mail address from the customer. […]